Assurance of Answered Prayer
Let us look at John 16 and see what it says on Assurance of Answered Prayer.
In verses 23-24 Jesus says: "...I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. ... Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." Amen.
"The Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God." (Verse 27)
Our previous reading Assurance of Salvation affirmed that anyone who believes in the Son of God has the testimony that God has given him eternal life. Those who accept God's love and believe in Jesus Christ, by following His command to love one another, are given eternal life. Once we have fulfilled the requirement and become a Child of God, we can turn to the Father. If we ask, we will receive. I want to caution everyone when asking our Father to make sure that what we are asking for is in His and our best interest. "God, Your will be done."
Remember, God's plan comes from His love for His children. For this reason my most important request is for strength to serve the Lord. God loves me and knows what I need, just as a father knows that children need clothes and food.
Dear Father God:
Please give me the attentiveness to follow Your will and equip me with the tools to do it. Amen!
Question: Do you keep a Godly checkbook register and do you know your balances? Can you repay Him?
NO - I am in debt to God so much that I will never be able to repay Him.
My Reflection
Throughout the centuries, people have varieties of expression or understanding on how to pray and what to pray. For the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics, they appeal to the long traditions and learn from them. For example, Roman Catholics practice the Sign of the Cross as an expression of prayer. This is an important part of their Spiritual journey. Eastern Orthodox has richer traditions. For them the Sign of the Cross has great powerful effect on demonic power and tremendous spiritual power. It helps to build up their spirituality.
Sadly, Protestants throw away all the traditions. We do not hold the Sign of the Cross as an important part of personal and public prayer. For most of us, prayer is just asking things that we want from God. It focuses on things that we want although we sound like we are praying for our needs. Our prayers are generally concerned with confession of sins, thanksgiving and asking help. Then we will end by saying to God, “God, Your will be done.” Do we really mean it when we say those words? Do we really know the impact of it? For Jesus, obedience comes in and after his prayer. In Gethsemane, Jesus was so tired that he prayed for God to take away his pain and remove the suffering that he had to go through. He ended the prayer with God’s will and he really meant it. Despite all his sufferings and weakness, he took the painful path. He obeyed God’s will. We may say that we do not know what the will of God for us is. But do we notice that we do not make an effort to know God’s will for us? Do we?
What about our Spirituality? Does our prayer help to build our Spirituality? From my observation, our prayer has nothing to do with our spirituality. It does not build our Spirituality. What is our Spirituality?
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