Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Christ! in Her??

This is a true story.

It happened in a little town which situated in the border of Myanmar and Thailand. There was a small church and the congregation was so small that everyone knew each other very well. They had good relationship with one another. There was an active lady who was never late for Sunday services and cell groups. Every Sunday, she would sit in the front row and sang hymns loudly as she could. She consistently tithed. She prayed and fasted during Lent seasons. She fully participated in every activity of the church. She liked to persuade people to come to church. She is like a model for the congregation.

Recently, she noticed a young girl who started to come to church and sat at the back. This young girl covered her head with black shawl and quietly sat in the church. She would leave church immediately after receiving the benediction from the pastor. This young girl did not communicate with any of the church members. As the lady was a good Christian, she looked for opportunities to persuade her to come to cell groups and to participate in the church activities and she did. Yet, there were no changes.

One fine day, the lady saw the young girl on the street. She greeted her. The young girl greeted her too. The young girl asked the lady to visit her because her house was nearby. On their way, still the lady was persuading her. The young girl stopped at small tent so the lady. The lady was surprised because the height of the tent was only 5 feet. It was made of bamboo. Both the lady and the girl had to bend in order to get inside. An 80yrs old man was lying on the bamboo floor covered with a thin blanket. He was on drip. Beside him was a 60yrs old lady. Then the girl said to her father, “Father, this is my friend.” There was no reply from her father at all. Then, the young girl looked at the lady and said, “Do you know that I am a prostitute?” The lady was stunned for a while and shook her head. The young girl continued, “Jesus died on the cross to give life, it is because of him that we have meaning to live. I sacrifice my life by prostituting myself in order to bring life to my parents. This is the best that I can offer to them and to Lord.” The lady could not say anything to her but was amazed for witnessing such great love and offering.

Are we trying to be a good Christian? Are we trying to represent Christ in our community? Are we willing to offer the best to our brothers and sisters, and Lord?

On the other hand, are we the one who is crucifying Christ-like people today? Are we still crucifying Christ?



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